Sponsorship Information
HCYP Baseball is always looking for individuals or businesses to sponsor our program. HCYP is largely responsible for maintenance of Kiwanis Wallas Park. Our league fees mostly cover costs of uniforms and umpires, while we rely on various fundraising events for capital improvements, training activities, and scholarships for families in need of financial assistance.
For $500, businesses can sponsor HCYP and will receive a banner posted in one of our outfields (the sponsor can indicate field preference). HCYP will work with you to design your banner. Alternatively, your $500 donation can give you a banner ad on our website. HCYP families are loyal to the program, and chances are if they need a service, they will scan our outfields for a provider that meets their needs.
Sponsors can also choose to sponsor HCYP by placing their business name on their child's team uniforms.
We also welcome donations of any amount, large or small, from individuals or businesses.
For more information about sponsoring HCYP Baseball, please reach out to Brad Smith at hcyprecbaseball@aol.com, or Joel Zolnier at jzhcyp@gmail.com and also download our sponsorship form.