Spring Baseball Divisions

NOTE: Spring 2025 registration is OPEN!

NOTE: The age determination for the Spring 2025 season is the player's age as of 8/31/2025.

Divisions fill up quickly. The best way to guarantee a spot for 2025 is to register early. If you see a division at capacity, please register to the waitlist as we are always working to try and adjust our capacity.

Please note, we do our best to honor player requests, but unfortunately we usually can't honor 100% of requests (e.g. 15 players request playing on the same Pinto team). The best way to get your request honored is to register early. For friend freezes, the request must be reciprocal to be honored (Player A requests Player B, AND Player B requests Player A. One way requests cannot be honored and once your request is made it cannot be changed. Please coordinate your friend freezes with each other before registering, and try and match the exact name of the requested player as registered. Also note that if players in Intl through Major are already assigned to an organization and request a Friend Freeze, a redraft of both players to a new organization may be necessary to grant the request (we will notify both players before moving to a new team). For coaches who pair up with an assistant coach, your players will count as your friend freeze and take priority over any other requests.

Also note that we are unlikely to honor requests for registrations received after January 31st.

Spring Registration Overview

Rookie (Ages 5-6) and Pinto (Ages 7-8)

Our Rookie and Pinto divisions are our coach pitch divisions.  The focus is on player development and fundamentals.  At these ages we do accept team requests, however, those are not guaranteed.

Rookie Spring Fee - $130 through 12/31, $150 from 1/1

Pinto Spring Fee - $200 through 12/31, $225 from 1/1

Little League International (Ages 9-10)

This is the first level of kid-pitch baseball.  Players are drafted into an organization (i.e. Marlins, Reds) and stay with that organization through the Minor and Major divisions.  Starting at International, players are drafted to teams and coach/team requests are not solicited or granted.

Spring Fee - $250 through 12/31, $275 from 1/1

Little League Minor (Ages 10-11)

Our Minor division begins to add additional elements of baseball such as delayed steals and infield fly rules.  However, some elements like leads and balks are not introduced.

Spring Fee - $250 through 12/31, $275 from 1/1

Little League Major (Ages 11-12)

Our Major division is the final of our Little League organizations.  All MLB baseball rules are enforced as players start to master more baseball skills.

Spring Fee - $250 through 12/31, $275 from 1/1

Pony (Ages 13-14)

Pony is our transition division where players are going to be entering HS in a year or two and moving to a 90' diamond.  Our Pony division plays on an 80' diamond to help with this transition.

Spring Fee - $250 through 12/31, $275 from 1/1

Colt (Ages 15-18)

Our Colt division plays on a 90' diamond and is intended for those in High School.

Spring Fee - $250 through 12/31, $275 from 1/1

REFUNDS: All refund requests must be in writing and sent to hcypbaseballreg@gmail.com.  Please include the following information in your email: player name, your name, division, and reason for refund request. There is a $30 administrative fee for all refund requests. Once our teams are formed we may not be able to honor requests.

Returning for 2025, for 10 and 11 year olds parents can select from the divisions that are available (e.g. for a 10 year old they can choose International or Minor, and for an 11 year old Minor or Major).

It is best for parents to select the division that is most appropriate for the skill level of the player. For example, if a 10 year old is in the earlier stages of building their skills, then they are likely best suited for an International team. An 11 year old who has played a lot of ball and has a high skill level is likely best suited for a Major team. During the first few practices coaches may make recommendations to parents to move players from one division to another.

If an organization does not have enough available slots for a player, they may be redrafted to a new organization (example if a Major team of a given org already has enough 12 year olds to fill a team then any 11 year olds who want to play Major will need to move to another org. The ability for parents to self select 10 or 11 year olds into the division of their preference will be conducted on a trial basis.


Returning in 2025 is the "friend freeze" for our International through Colt orgs. The friend freeze is the equivalent of a sibling freeze, and will allow two friends to request to be placed on the same team with each other or in the same org.

To initiate the friend freeze, when registering the parents of each set of friends must request the other friend as their friend freeze in the appropriate field. For example, if if players A and B want to do a friend freeze, then when player A's parent is registering player A they must put Player B in the friend freeze field, AND when player B's parent is registering player B they must put Player A in the friend freeze field. Non-matching requests will not be honored, and any head coaches who want to pair up with an assistant coach will need to have their players request the friend freeze with each other. Also note that if players in Intl through Major are already assigned to an organization and request a Friend Freeze, a redraft of both players to a new organization may be necessary to grant the request (we will notify both players before moving to a new team).

The goal of the friend freeze is to allow some flexibility in player placement for situations such as carpooling, while also striving to maintain a competitive balance through our draft process.